I've written several scripts using the common REXX (REstructured eXtended eXecutor) scripting language. If you don't know REXX you have not yet worked with Mainframes (OS/390), IBM OS/2, Serenity eComStation (eCS) or nor even worked with the Commodore AMIGA (there is was called ARexx).
REXX is available on almost any operating system and therefore most scripts should work on other systems as long as there are no special external references are called. It is easy to learn and easy to read.
REXX will come in three flavors (Classic REXX, Object REXX and NetREXX) and the classic REXX is really old. The date of birth is March 20th 1979!
For more information you should go to...
Name | Releasdate | Description |
CheckDirectory | 2006-04-18 | CheckDirectory is a script to check a directory for changes and call another program to execute defined tasks. |
JMDB Releasedates | 2012-01-04 | Script to extract movie data by releasedate
together with additional information like rank (votes) and
the most important actors and actresses.
An example can be found here: Cinema program |
MySQL Systables | 2006-09-19 | Script to create system tables for MySQL. It's a port of the mysql_create_system_tables shell script. |
Here are my REXX scripts
CheckDirectory (Update: 2006-04-18)
With this program you can check a directory tree for changes. If files are added, changed or removed, the program can call another program from the commandline. It's already implemented to call PMSEND.EXE (E-Mail program: PMMail2000 commandline client) to send an E-Mail to one or more users (Paramter).
The program can also be used to recheck every x minutes (Default: recheck every 10 minutes) or you can use the parameter '-p -1' to call the check only once (then you can use a scheduler like Cron).
The code is currently not available because I need to fix a problem with HPFS386 first!
JMDB_Releasedates v1.9 (Update: 2012-01-04)
Script to extract movie data by releasedate together with additional information like rank (votes) and the most important actors and actresses. The script uses data that has been imported by the Java Movie Database (JMDB). The data is provided by the Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
The script has been tested on Windows (with the Regina REXX
Interpreter) and eComStation (eCS) as well as OS/2 Warp together
with MySQL 5.x.
An example can be found here:
Cinema program
Download jmdb_releasedates
Windows, OS/2 and eCS ZIP package (23 KB)
MySQL 5.0.x - mysql_create_system_tables (Update: 2006-09-19)
With this script you can create the system tables when you install
MySQL 5.0.x for the first time. The archive has to be extracted into
If you execute the REXX script withou parameters you will get a short
usage description.
For a new installation it should be enough to execute the following line
to create the data directory with the system tables in the
MySQL directory structure (if you add a complete path after the verbose
parameter this will be the data directory):
mysql_create_system_tables.cmd verbose
Then you need to create the my.cnf file (see example) in the directory \MPTN\ETC of the boot drive. The path for basedir and datadir have to be changed to meet your path setup. After that you can access the database with the user root and no password.
Here the content of the my.cnf:compress
Download mysql_create_system_tables
eCS ZIP package (23 KB)